Saturday, January 2, 2016

New Year New Me?

So its 2016 and everyone is talking about new years resolutions. And I am just wondering if I actually have any. Yes there are things that I want to accomplish this year but sometimes I just think that setting it as a resolution is putting the last nail in the coffin. Last year I don't think that I finished anything other than my reading goal. (Actually I am quite happy about my reading goal I read 50 books instead of my initial goal of 30. O ya I'm a complete bad ass!)

But in all seriousness, how many of us actually finish all of the resolutions we set for ourselves? Did you? Last year I had all of these hopes and goals, and I was dedicated... for like a week. Drink more water. Work out. Blah Blah Blah...

I do have somethings I want to work on this year but I refuse to call them resolutions. If I quite for a bit and pick it back up I want that to be okay. I don't want the stress of not completing something to be hanging over my head. I don't need that added stress.

I'm going back to school in 2 weeks and I couldn't be more excited. I think I am ready for it this time. I feel like I really know what I want and finally realize what I have to do to get there. I thank my previous relationship for that. I know he isn't a part of my life anymore but I learned a lot about life from that time we shared. I didn't take school seriously enough because I was more concerned about  making rent and paying my bills that I didn't care about school or my grades. I was living in the now. Which there is nothing wrong with living in the now as long as you remember that the future is coming just around the corner.

This year, since I am back at home and my bills are so much less that I need to make school number one. If I need to cut my work hours to make sure my homework is done I want to be okay with that. I can't punish myself now for doing what is right for the long run.

In my relationship with my ex I also realized that I want to get married and have a family one day with the right man. With a family I want to do something that will allow me to be there for my kids. So I have decided that I want to be a teacher, and elementary teacher. I want to help build the foundation that every person needs to learn and grow.

As for personal growth I would really like to give the gym another go. I always feel great when I go but that I will miss a day and never pick it back up until I feel utterly fat and useless. This past year I have really come to love my body and be comfortable with my size. True that some days I still feel like a sloppy mess but hey we all have days like that right? I also realized that I don't need anyone to feed me with compliments to make me feel better. (Even though they are always welcome and do make a persons day.) The guy I am dating now does a great job of making me feel beautiful but I am very happy that I can still feel good about me without him telling me so.

Now for the important part...BOOKS! Since I was able to almost double my original goal of 30 last year I have decided to make my book goal for the year 52. That makes 1 book a week. I finished my first book not too long ago, Bridget Jones's Diary. It was good!